The development of a Calcium Shell is often a complex process influenced by both physiological and psychological factors. Here are some key reasons why a Calcium Shell might start:
Stress Response: The body can respond to chronic stress by increasing calcium levels. This is a protective mechanism, as elevated calcium can have a calming effect on the nervous system. It's akin to the body creating a 'buffer' against ongoing stress.
Adrenal Gland Fatigue: Chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands are responsible for regulating the balance of minerals, including calcium. When they are overworked or fatigued, this balance can be disrupted, leading to elevated calcium levels.
Psychological Protection: From a psychological perspective, a Calcium Shell can develop as a form of emotional defense. For individuals who have experienced trauma, emotional pain, or overwhelming stress, the shell acts as a barrier, numbing emotions and reducing the impact of further emotional stress.
Dietary Factors: Diet plays a role in calcium levels. Excessive intake of calcium-rich foods or supplements, especially when not balanced with other minerals like magnesium, can contribute to the formation of a Calcium Shell.
Environmental Toxins: Exposure to certain heavy metals and toxins can disrupt mineral balance in the body, leading to elevated calcium levels.
Biounavailable Calcium: In some cases, the body may have difficulty utilizing calcium effectively, leading to its accumulation in tissues. This can be due to imbalances in other minerals, vitamin deficiencies, or metabolic issues.
Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition that affects how their body regulates and utilizes calcium.
Hormonal Imbalances: Hormones, particularly those produced by the thyroid and parathyroid glands, play a significant role in calcium regulation. Imbalances in these hormones can lead to altered calcium levels.
Emotional Withdrawal as a Coping Mechanism: For some, the development of a Calcium Shell is a subconscious coping mechanism to deal with unresolved emotional issues, leading to a state of withdrawal or disconnection as a way to avoid emotional pain.
Lifestyle Factors: Lack of physical activity, chronic dehydration, and poor stress management can contribute to the development of a Calcium Shell.