Meet Amanda Panacea

Amanda Panacea is passionate about guiding others through their healing journeys because she knows firsthand what it's like to face chronic, debilitating conditions and mental health challenges. Growing up, she struggled with allergies, asthma, eczema, anxiety, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, codependency, and substance abuse. Her own transformative journey began after a traumatic yet spiritually awakening encounter with mold illness, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), histamine intolerance, full-body eczema, and topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). It was this profound experience that led Amanda to fully embody the necessity of addressing the emotional, spiritual, and energetic aspects of true healing.

Amanda’s approach is built on three pillars of wellness:

  1. Energetics: Combining nervous system regulation with the principles of quantum physics and circadian science to support the body’s natural balance.
  2. Physical: Focusing on nourishing the body and utilizing somatic techniques to promote healing from the inside out.
  3. Mental & Spiritual: Diving deep into inner work, belief systems, and trauma resolution to cultivate a more meaningful, aligned, joyful, passionate and connected life.

Amanda’s Specialties:

  • A comprehensive understanding of the physical, psychological, and energetic layers of healing, uniquely bridging science and spirituality.
  • Expertise in how mold, parasites, stealth infections (Lyme), radiation, chemicals, heavy metals, viruses, trauma, generational patterns, loneliness, and limiting beliefs can impact health.
  • A strong emphasis on psychoneuroimmunology, trauma healing, quantum physics, and nervous system balance, recognizing their profound influence on overall wellness.
  • Advanced training in blood chemistry analysis, HTMA, Bioenergetic testing, and functional lab interpretations, ensuring a thorough approach to uncovering root causes.
  • Dedicated mentorship and private coaching for practitioners and health coaches through the CBH Energetics Bioenergetic Affiliate Course. This course is designed for certified or licensed professionals—naturopaths, chiropractors, health coaches, Reiki healers, and more—looking to deepen their understanding of bioenergetics, holistic health, and business practices.
  • Experience with highly sensitive individuals facing severe and chronic conditions, particularly those who have struggled to tolerate other interventions.

Amanda's blend of personal experience, scientific knowledge, and holistic practices makes her uniquely equipped to help you navigate your healing journey with compassion, clarity, and expert guidance.


  • BS. Psychology from University of Central Florida
  • MS in Rehabilitation Counseling from West Virginia University
  • MS in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from University of Western States
  • License in Mental Health Counseling in the state of Florida
  • Certified to Supervise Registered Mental Health Counseling Interns
  • Certified in EMDR for Complex PTSD and Anxiety
  • Life Coach Certification
  • Certified in Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Co-Created The Bioenergetic Certification Course by CBH Energetics
  • Certified in Advanced Blood Chemistry (MBCE)
  • Advanced HTMA training
  • Certified in ThetaHealing Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Digging Deeper, and You are the Creator
  • Completed Mind Body Spirit Release level One
  • Completed Dr Klinghardt's Autonomic Response Testing Level One training
  • Completed Mind Body Masters program which focuses on German New Medicine or Germanic Healing Knowledge.
  • Completed trainings in Somatic Experiencing taught by Peter Levine
  • The Power of Embodied Transformation Certification which focuses on Somatic techniques.

3 Pillars to Wellness


Honoring the circadian rhythms of nature through understanding Quantum Biology, Quantum Physics, and Nervous System Regulation.


Supporting a healthy body, flowing drainage and detox pathways, nourishing cellular metabolism, and embodiment of somatic techniques

Mental and Spiritual

Deep Inner mental and spiritual work